Welcome to the Farinar Films Blog!

Where magic and dreams flow together in the lake of rainbows, Farinar lives and from here, he tells tales beyond imagining.


More from flour films in the future? L.O.L

While "Dr. McNab Destroys Halloween!" is getting approved on warcraftmovies, I tried doing a search on google for fun searching for "Farinar". I've always believed that Farinar was a word which I had come up with, and thereby was original.

Most of what came up, was links to my different profiles on pages and blogs. Nothing interesting. One interesting thing was a youtube link, which had "Farinar" in it's title. I could figure out, that the movie was in Italian. I finally had my chance of figuring out what it meant. So I went to translate.google.dk, which isn't 100% correct, but I tried translating from Italian to both english, danish, german and swedish to be sure, so I'm sure! I wrote "Farinar" in the translation.

And guess what came out? The word "Flour". Wow. The Italians must laugh at me for choosing such a stupid name. But it's kinda cool as well! At least now I know what my character's name means, even though it was made up :P

Waiting for the contest tomorrow!

- Peter D. Thomsen/Farinar aka Flour

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